This following peer review is for Sofia’s website “Reviews Unveiled”. The website is dedicated to supporting Colombian startup brands. Its primary objective is to promote Colombia’s dedicated entrepreneurs who have chosen to turn their interests into profitable companies, with a concentration on the fashion sector. According to the information we can get from the “About” page.
The home page’s style and layout immediately capture attention, characterized by bright, warm-toned, vibrant colors that enhance its visual appeal. The selected images complement one another effectively, adding to the website’s overall beauty. The use of sans-serif fonts that she chose improve readability without tiring the eyes. Blog entries’ information is written with the use of simple words, without any academic vocabulary which I guess facilitates easy comprehension for readers. Despite the traditional location of the navigation menus in the footer, Sofia’s website’s material is admirably organized, clear, uncluttered, and tidy.
What I would like to suggest is to take out the “Blog” page from the “Academic” drop down. I remember during the last class Layla suggested that she’d put all the PUB101 related content under one menu and create sub-items. Due to the header being kind of ‘crowded’ as she featured each of the course’s assignments there. But ‘academics’ imply more of a private audience while ‘blog posts’ are meant for public access. So maybe to improve the navigation the “Blog posts” can become their own menu and “Academic” will remain untouched.
Overall, I like the style of the page and the content. It is a very interesting theme (area) for a website not only because it differs from the other categories which were created in the course but also due to its informativeness. The navigation in terms of ‘audience’ content might take just a little bit of time as the “Blog” page is being a sub-menu. But besides that I love the work Sofia has done so far and I’m looking forward to seeing more posts on her website. It is very inspiring to see people building their own brands and sharing their journeys. The link to Sofia’s website is down below. Make sure to check out “Reviews Unveiled”!