Post 11

Overall I was looking for the job that I have done so far and I honestly love it! I don’t think that I did that many interesting stuff for any other course this semester. Pubishing is a field whitin my future carrier perspectives so I am thirlled that I declared my major in it.

There were several terminologies that I just learned. Which could be easily incorporated into the other fields. For my communication course, for example, we were discussing counterpublicis during the first weeks and while my peers were slightly confused about the terminology I was more than happy to introduce it to them. There were some topics that I was already familiar with, like a week we talked about design elements, and some new ones which I happily incorporated to the creation of this website.

I’m thinking about continuing to work on this website, maybe changing it a little bit and adding more of a visual of my own, but it could be an amazing portfolio once I’m done.

In terms of our recent topic my website’s marketability I would say a significant part of it lies in potential SEO benefits. Quality and word-rich content can rank well on search engines, drawing the usual views from people actively seeking book recommendations, summaries, or reviews online. There was a part that I remember from our week 10 readings, SEO is a necessity in the field as he is considered an expert. People in different businesses are seeking SEOs to help them with (promoting) their products. Apart from that, the useful nature of book reviews and reading tips encourages social media sharing, so word-of-mouth may lead to potentially higher growth. I’m also not stopping to publish on the TikTok account so hoping for more engagement there.

I was very happy that this course pushed me to create and engage more on social media, I was always passionate about books but never thought about dedicating a part of media platforms specifically for them. Truly thrilled that I did, I’ll be working on it more.

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